Friday, January 22, 2010

Your Need Has to be to Meet Their Needs

Hey Covenant Groupies,

You know, I love scripture and how it ALWAYS forces us to think, contemplate and be aware how ill-informed we are when we make decisions.

I read Luke 10:27 today which says, "You Must Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your mind, And Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself." Ok, we've all read this many times, right? But today, the Lord had me comtemplate, in relation to the "Question of the Day" yesterday on this as it relates to our marriage.

Do we look at and receive our spouses as our neighbors? Do we truly love them as we love ourselves?

My commentary exponds on this scripture by saying, "We must love God with all our hearts, must look upon him as the best of beings, in himself most amiable, and infinitely perfect and excellent; as one whom we lie under the greatest obligations to, both in gratitude and interest. We must prize him, and value ourselves by our elation to him; must please ourselves in him, and devote ourselves entirely to him. Our love to him must be sincere, hearty, and fervent; it must be a superlative love, a love that is as strong as death, but an intelligent love, and such as we can give a good account of the grounds and reasons of. It must be an entire love; he must have our whole souls, and must be served with all that is within us... We must love our neighbors as ourselves, which we shall easily do, if we as we ought to do, love God BETTER than ourselves. We must wish well to all and ill to none; must do all the good we can in the world and no hurt, and must fix it as a rule to ourselves to do others as we would they should do to us; and this is to love our neightbor as ourselves.

Again I ask, are we loving our spouses better than ourselves? Obviously we can't if we haven't given our entire souls to God, become subordinate to him, until we prize him accordingly and more.

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