Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fred Hammond: Talking about Love, Marriage and Relationships

Hey covenant Groupies,

Recently, my PR Firm, Affinity Public Relations had the honor of hosting an amazing event at Gospel Uptown in Harlem. It was a Media Lounge and pre-reception at to help kick off A Night of Inspiration at Carnegie Hall.

Here's some footage I captured with Fred Hammond speaking about his new album, books he's currently writing, love, marriage and relationships. I cant wait for the album!!!

Hope you enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lionhearted and Lamblike: The Christian Husband As Head Part#2

Hey Covenant Groupies,

Part #2 is here! This article is sooo good and is a continuation from yesterday's article.

Please share your thoughts.

Mutual Submission and Unique Roles
But the problem is that egalitarians seem to stop with mutual submission, as if that were all one needed to say about roles in marriage, or as if that is all that the text has to say. And when they stop there, most people today are left with great ambiguity and great confusion about the proper roles of husband and wife. Once you clarify for people that a husband and a wife should be mutually humble, and mutually ready to serve each other, and mutually eager to meet each other’s needs and build each other up—once you have said all that, there remains a great uncertainty as to what, if anything, distinguishes the role of husband and wife. Is it only the biological gift of childbearing that distinguishes the roles? Or is there something more pervasive?

What is so astonishing is that egalitarians don’t embrace what every ordinary reader can see in Ephesians 5. After declaring that there is mutual submission in verse 21, Paul devotes twelve verses to unfolding the difference in the way a husband and wife should serve each other. You don’t need to deny mutual submission to affirm the importance of the unique role of the husband as head and the unique calling of the wife to submit to that headship.

Jesus, the Bridegroom, Served His Bride
The simplest way to see this is to remember that Jesus himself bound himself with a towel and got down on the floor and washed this disciples’ feet (the bridegroom, serving the bride), but not for one minute did any of the apostles in that room doubt who the leader was in that moment. In other words, mutuality of submission and servanthood do not cancel out the reality of leadership or headship. Servanthood does not nullify leadership; it defines it. Jesus does not cease to be the Lion of Judah when he becomes the lamb-like servant of the church.

After calling attention to the mutuality of submission or servanthood in verse 21, Paul devotes the whole passage through verse 33 to making distinctions between the role of the husband and the role of the wife—between the loving headship of a husband who takes his cues from Christ, and the willing submission of a wife who takes her cues from how the church is to follow Christ.

What we need to hear from this text today is not just a call to mutual submission that leaves young men groping for what it means to be a husband and young women groping for what it means to be a wife. What we need to hear is what headship and submission mean. What are the positive, practical implications of being called head that give man his distinct role in marriage? It is not enough to say, “Serve one another.” That is true of Christ and his church—they serve each other. But they do not serve each other in all the same ways. Christ is Christ. We are the church. To confuse the distinctions would be doctrinally and spiritually devastating. So also the man is the Christ-portraying husband, and the woman is the church-portraying wife. And to confuse these God-intended distinctions, or to abandon them, results in more disillusionment and more divorce and more devastation.

The Roles Are Not Arbitrary or Reversible
One of the things that are crystal clear in Ephesians 5 is that the roles of husband and wife in marriage are not arbitrarily assigned and they are not reversible any more than the role of Christ and the church are reversible. The roles of husband and wife are rooted in the distinctive roles of Christ and his church. The revelation of this mystery is the recovery of the original intention of covenant marriage in the Garden of Eden.

You can see this most clearly when you ponder what sin did to headship and submission and how Paul’s teaching here in Ephesians 5 is so perfectly suited to remedy that corruption. When sin entered the world, it ruined the harmony of marriage not because it brought headship and submission into existence, but because it twisted man’s humble, loving headship into hostile domination in some men and lazy indifference in others. And it twisted woman’s intelligent, willing, happy, creative, articulate submission into manipulative obsequiousness or groveling in some women and brazen insubordination in others. Sin didn’t create headship and submission; it ruined them and distorted them and made them ugly and destructive.

Recovering Roles from the Ravages of Sin
Now if this is true, then the redemption we anticipate with the coming of Christ is not the dismantling of the original, created order of loving headship and willing submission, but a recovery of it from the ravages of sin. And that’s exactly what we find here in Ephesians 5:21-33. Wives, let your fallen submission be redeemed by modeling it after God’s intention for the church! Husbands, let your fallen headship be redeemed by modeling it after God’s intention for Christ!

Therefore, headship is not a right to control or to abuse or to neglect. (Christ’s sacrifice is the pattern.) Rather, it’s the responsibility to love like Christ in leading and protecting and providing for your wife and family. And submission is not slavish or coerced or cowering. That’s not the way Christ wants the church to respond to his leadership and protection and provision. He wants the submission of the church to be free and willing and glad and refining and strengthening.
In other words, what Ephesians 5:21-33 does is two things: It guards against the abuses of headship by telling husbands to love like Jesus, and it guards against the debasing of submission by telling wives to respond the way the church does to Christ.

Defining Headship and Submission
So let me close for now with brief definitions of headship and submission and then come back next week, Lord willing, with practical application of what this headship in particular looks like.

Headship is the divine calling of a husband to take primary responsibility for Christ-like, servant leadership, protection, and provision in the home. (See next week’s message for the biblical basis of the words “leadership, protection, and provision.”)

Submission is the divine calling of a wife to honor and affirm her husband’s leadership and help carry it through according to her gifts.
A good deal is at stake here. I hope you take it seriously whether you are single or married, old or young. Not just the fabric of society hangs on this, but the revelation of the covenant-keeping Christ and his covenant-keeping church.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lionhearted and Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head, Part 1

Hey Covenant Groupies,

I found this interesting sermon on today. It's taken fron Ephesians5:22-33. Its pretty long, but I do suggest that you read it in its entirety. You may very well find something that intrigues you or even mimicks your life right now.

This is just part#1. Part #2 will be posted tomorrow.

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. 22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. 28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

If the Lord wills, both today and next week we will focus on what it means for a married man to be the head of his wife and of his home. We focus on this for two reasons. One is that the Bible says in Ephesians 5:23, “The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church.” We need to know what the Bible means by this statement so that we can exult in it and obey.

The other reason is that few things are more broken in our day than manhood and headship in relation to women and families. And the price of this brokenness is enormous and touches almost every facet of life. So for the sake of faithful biblical exposition and exultation, and for the sake of recovering biblical manhood and Christ-exalting family structures, we will, Lord willing, spend two weeks on this important issue of headship.

First Things First
Our emphasis in these weeks so far has been that staying married is not mainly about staying in love, but about keeping covenant. We did eventually come around to saying that precisely by this unwavering covenant-keeping the possibility of being profoundly in love in forty years is much greater than if you think of the task of marriage is first staying in love. Keeping first things first makes second things better. Staying in love isn’t the first task of marriage. It is a happy overflow of covenant-keeping for Christ’s sake.

We have spent most of our effort in these five messages so far pondering the foundations of covenant-keeping in the way Christ keeps covenant with us. We have looked at marriage as a showcase of covenant-keeping grace and as a combination of forgiveness and forbearance. And the last time we were together we took up the question: Can you help each other change? And if so, how do you do that graciously?

Headship Seen in Light of the Gospel
Up till now we have spent little time on the distinct roles of husband and wife—headship and submission. This was intentional. Foundations in the gospel are needed before these things can shine with the beauty they really have. There is nothing ugly or undesirable in these distinctions of headship and submission when they’re seen in the light of the gospel of grace.

So now the question presses on us: What is headship? And what is submission? The plan is to deal with headship in the next two weeks and then after Easter deal with submission and other issues relating to marriage.

This week will be largely foundation for headship, and next week will be largely application. What does it actually look like in practice?

The Mystery Revealed
Let’s move into this text at verse 31. It’s a quote from Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” In the next verse (v. 32), Paul looks back on this quote and says, “This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.”

Now why is the coming together of a man and woman to form one flesh in marriage called a mystery? Mystery in the New Testament does not mean something too complex or deep or obscure or distant for humans to understand. It refers to a hidden purpose of God that is now revealed for our understanding and enjoyment. Paul explains what the mystery is in verse 32. The marriage union is a mystery, he says, because its deepest meaning has been concealed by God during the Old Testament history, but is now being openly revealed by the apostle, namely, that marriage is an image of Christ and the church. Verse 32: “I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.”

So marriage is like a metaphor or an image or a picture or a parable or a model that stands for something more than a man and a woman becoming one flesh. It stands for the relationship between Christ and the church. That’s the deepest meaning of marriage. It’s meant to be a living drama of how Christ and the church relate to each other.

The Parallel Between One Body and One Flesh
You can see how this is confirmed in verses 28-30. They describe the parallel between Christ and the church being one body andthe husband and wife being one flesh. Verses 28-29: “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it . . . .” In other words, the one-flesh union between man and wife means that in a sense they are now one body so that the care a husband has for his wife he, in that very act, has for himself. They are one. What he does for her he does for himself.

Then he compares this to Christ’s care for the church. Verses 29-30: “No one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.” Be sure to see the parallel: Christ nourishes and cherishes the church because we are members (that is, arms and legs and hands and feet) of his body. And husbands nourish and cherish their wives “as their own bodies.” No one ever hated his own flesh. Wives are our own flesh as the church is Christ’s own body. Just as the husband is one flesh with his wife so Christ is one body with the church. When the husband cherishes and nourishes his wife, he cherishes and nourishes himself; and when Christ cherishes and nourishes the church, he cherishes and nourishes himself.

All of this underlines what Paul calls a “profound mystery”—that marriage, in its deepest meaning, is a copy of Christ and the church. If you want to understand God’s meaning for marriage you have to grasp that we are dealing with a copy of a greater original, a metaphor of a greater reality and parable and a greater truth. And the original, the reality, the truth is God’s marriage to his people, or now in the New Testament, we see it as Christ’s marriage to the church. And the copy, the metaphor, the parable is human marriage between a husband and a wife. Geoffrey Bromiley says, “As God made man in His own image, so He made earthly marriage in the image of His own eternal marriage with His people” (God and Marriage, pg 43). I think that is exactly right. And it is one of the most profound things you can say about human life.

The Roles Are Distinct
One of the things to learn from this mystery is that the roles of husband and wife in marriage are distinct. Consider the way Ephesians 5:22-25 unpacks the role of husband and the role of wife in the mystery of marriage as a copy of Christ and the church: “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Husbands are compared to Christ; wives are compared to the church. Husbands are compared to the head; wives are compared to the body. Husbands are commanded to love as Christ loved; wives are commanded to submit as the church is to submit to Christ.

It is astonishing how many people do not see this when they deal with this passage. Or, seeing it, neglect it. I have in mind those who would be called egalitarians—the ones who reject the idea that men are called to be leaders in the home. They put all the emphasis on verse 21 and the teaching of mutual submission. All agree that verse 21 is overflow from verse 18 where Paul commands us to be filled with the Spirit. Verses 18b-21: “Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

So submitting to one another is seen as an expression of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Husbands and wives who are filled with the Holy Spirit serve one another. They humble themselves and get down low to lift the other up. They find ways to submit their immediate preferences for comfort to the need of the other. Amen to that! May it happen more and more. I have no desire to minimize the mutuality of submission and servanthood.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Truth: Out of The Mouth of Babes

Hey Covenant Groupies,

I know I've been away for a couple of days. I have an event next week and it's kept me so busy. I don't like missing my times of blogging this is my precious time to share the amazing things God is doing in our life and marriage.

Anyhoo, I want to share something interesting with you.

Recently, my 6 year old niece saw what we see each and everyday; a teenager that has simply refused to pull their jeans all the way up. Immune and highly disturbed by this fashion trend, I said nothing. But she leaned over to me and said, "Auntie, do we like people who don't pull their pants all the way up?" I loved how she phrased, DO WE LIKE; meaning you, uncle, mommy, daddy, Grandma, my teachers and all of the other influential people in my life. That says alot about where children take their lead in life from.

Immediately, I said "Yes, we are kind to everyone, but it would be nice not to see peoples underwear." She concluded, "Oh, ok, then I like him, but can I tell him to pull his pants up."
It was cute banter between an Auntie and her niece, but think just how often conversations like that can go waaaaay wrong; influencing a child to think wrongly and negatively about another human being with prejudice or discrimation.

Kevin and I have committed to be very positive influences in the lives of, not only our nephews and nieces, but any child that comes into our presence. They truly do not do what you say all the time or willingly, but you can believe that they will do what we say.

Conclusion to story: the teenager came over to me and shared that he was trying to play with my niece and she refused. He asked her, "Are you afraid of me?" My niece responded, "No. I just don't think it's nice that you don't pull your pants all the way up. It's not nice" She then walked away from him.

She convicted him far more than I or any other adult could have.

Out of the mouth of babes!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

QUESTION OF THE DAY! - When to Let the Past Go!

Hey Covenant Groupies,

Today's question has to do with past relationships. We all know, or should that we should, at some point, break any and all ties with past relationships, because we can't successfully move into our future iff we have a foot stuck in the past.

So, with that said, how much of your past relationships exist in your marriage? Do you stay in touch with any of your ex's? If so, Why? Do these past relationships create arguments in your marriage?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Love – The Greatest (Spiritual) Gift

Hey Covenant Groupies,

If you belong to a church that teaches directly from the Bible, and I pray that you are, then you’ve been guided, taught and discipled on Spiritual Gifts; you’ve even allowed the Holy Spirit to reveal yours, right? I ask because lately, I’ve been hearing, from my church and other churches, people talk more about and receive accolades for their own personal Spiritual Gifts, than what the Bible calls the Greatest Gift – Love.

I guess, from a human perspective, we’ve been taught about love from people; how to love, why love matters, things we can do to keep it strong, how to get revenge when you’re betrayed by love. But God’s perspective is simply this: You’ll never know love until and unless you know me. I am the creator of love and nothing pleases me more than when my children love, no matter what their Spiritual Gifts are.

After reading 1 Corinthians 13 today and then studying this in the commentary, it was interesting to read that no matter your gift; whether it be prophecy, knowledge, tongues, teaching, exhortation, wisdom, prayer or whatever, it has a very short and temporary countenance and duration. We can’t take our gifts to heaven. When Christ returns, all supernatural gifts will cease. However, love is greater than all gifts; has a longer countenance and is more durable. Therefore, love follows us into eternity.

Wow, shouldn’t we then seek to do all we can in order to take our imperfect way of loving to God and ask Him, maybe even desperately beg Him to teach us how to love Him and His Children sacrificially. I remember the day I learned my Spiritual Gifts; I was so excited and ready to work, however, I never associated love as the most important ingredient needed to use my gifts in the church. It was not until I begged God to teach me to love like Him was I then able to use my gifts in my church, outside of the church and even in my marriage.

Are we not in Kingdom boot camp here on earth being prepared to live and love perfectly in Heaven?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Marital Facts: Realistic or Not?

Hey Covenant Groupies,

I love it when I find these pseudo-facts and what they truly mean. Seriously, if you married your spouse and they had all of the characteristics you have on your list, then what's up with the HUGE divorce statistics?

Maybe instead of just looking for those top five characteristics, you may want to perform a criminal background check, solidify interests and values, past relationships, whether or not they have addictive personalities, can hold a job or have been abused/abusive in past relationships. Maybe then you'll have someone to build a Holy and wonderful life with.

Furthermore, double check your list. Be sure that everything on that list is realistic by God's standards and not your own. The list I had was severely altered and when God revealed my husband to me, I must admit, my first reaction was, "That's not what I wanted." God quickly reminded me that He had chosen my husband for me when I was in my mothers womb, how dare I deny God's choice or Kevin?

Marriage and Divorce

Top Characteristics People Want in a Partner

1. Honesty
2. Kindness
3. Respect
4. Compatibility
5. Humour

Top Reasons Why People Marry

1. Marriage signifies commitment
2. Moral values
3. Children should have married parents
4. The natural thing to do
5. Financial security

Top Reasons Why Couples Divorce

1. Different values and interests
2. Physical and emotional abuse
3. Alcohol and drugs
4. Infidelity
5. Career-related conflict

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hungering and Thirsting for God’s Marriage

Hey Covenant Groupies,

This past Sunday the sermon was titled, “Seeking God: Send Forth Your Word” from Isaiah 55:6-8, which is mighty powerful and of course and as usual, during the teaching we visited other scriptures as well as verses before and after the day's scripture.

Well, the first verse in Chapter 55 starts by saying, "Come all you who are thirsty!" I’m not sure, at all, why this particular sentence made such an impression on me and stood out so prominently, but as I meditated on the entire sermon over the weekend, I began to think about being thirsty for drink and hungry for food; how we will go to, sometimes, desperate measures for both. We'll even fight if it's not up to par-won't we?

Of course that led me to think about hungering and thirsting for God, His ways, His purposes and His marriages. I wondered, in my own life, when did I begin to acknowledge that I was truly ready to eat from God's plate and drink from His cup? Obviously, it was during a crisis; one that led me to believe that Kevin and I would never make it as a married couple.

Sometimes, I must admit, I hate the fact that we are so hard-headed to God’s nudging and then there are times I am so elated by it. It's the only way, too often, God gets our attention.

There were several times I could not see my life with Kevin as being anything but painful and I’m quite sure he’d say the same. There was a time that God put some distance between us and required me, especially, to sit in His presence and get a glimpse of Kevin from His perspective. I had never prayed for my marriage or my husband the way I did those 5 days and it was during that time that God begin to tell me how “His Ways are Not My Ways and His Thoughts are Not My Thoughts” in a truly personal way.

He shared how He has never seen, looked at or even thought of Kevin the way that I sometimes do; that I was not Him and could not begin to love Kevin or have a marriage He wants to abide in until I saw, thought or loved Kevin that way He did.
I had standards and expectations that I wanted Kevin to live up to, but it never worked out quite the way I wanted. I had to question where those standards and expectations came from. Ultimately, they were not God inspired and our marriage was on the road to failure.

This was my moment of divine thirst and hunger. I was so desperate for God to be pleased to abide with us and make His home in our relationship, but it started with my desire for His plate and his cup. His plate consists of love, mercy, forgiveness, grace, serving others, submitting to the Father’s Will in all situations, and surrendering who I am, what I believe even my dreams and desires to God. His cup was filled to the brim with pain, suffering, lies people told, brutality, hate, betrayal, and then death.

All of this plus more I owe my husband.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Covenant Marriage - A Video

Hey Covenant Groupies,

I know I've been MIA for about three days, but I have been feeling very blah thanks to our allergy season here in NYC. I have no clue when I got allergies, but obviously I have them now and they really put me down.

Nonetheless, I am back and feeling soooo much better. Thank God!

Check out this video and let me know your thoughts.

Marriage is a most special bond forged between a man, a woman, and the Lord. This is how the Lord intended it in the beginning (Gen.2:24) and how it will continue to be. But marriage does have its challenges, and as Christians, we need to be aware of what St. Paul teaches in 1st Corinthians. Marriage is a very sacred and important relationship. It is a Commandment of the Lord (Matthew 5:32) not to divorce for reasons other than sexual immortality, thus - marriage is a union which must be fortified and treasured. How do we strive to accomplish this? This video addresses the very important Biblical guidelines of marriage.

Covenant of Marriage - Funny bloopers are a click away

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quiet Inspiration - Just The Push I Needed!

Hey Covenant Groupies,

Ok, so the nasty truth is: I HATE TO WORK OUT!!!!! It’s just so annoying to me to remember caloric intake, workout regimen and taking vitamins. Blah, Blah, Blah! Sometimes when I get questions like, “Which gym do you go to?” “How often do you workout?” or “How do you fit working out into you busy schedule?” It makes me feel like I’m supposed to work out. Not, gonna happen – or so I thought.

You see, last year, Kevin began an amazing journey of working out at the top of the year and by March, he was looking so good, and everyone told him so. His commitment, dedication and resolve to remain focused was so inspiring to see. Well, as he started his new job in September, the gym became non-existent as he became acclimated to work.

Well, here we are now, and he’s back at the gym. Again, very inspiring to see it play itself out. He asked if I wanted to join him, because I did mention that I wanted to tone up, but of course, I said “No, thanks.” I love that he knows when to push and when not to. Then, wouldn’t you know it, this past weekend, during a mini Wii tennis tournament with our family, the loser had to workout on the treadmill – kids and all. (My brother’s idea)

So, as I was on the treadmill I realized that, although I’m very healthy, I needed to get my heart health in check. I did it in the time allotted, but the next morning my arms were burning. My legs are strong; I love to walk, so I had no issues there. But my arms told a completely different story.

So, I started working out and toning up with resistance bands on Monday, and I’m loving it! When I finished, I immediately texted Kevin and told him that I was working out, how good it felt and I thanked him for being just the quiet inspiration that I needed.

Watch out ya’ll. Your girl is about to be bananas!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

QUESTION OF THE DAY! - Godly Counsel

Hey Covenant Groupies,

I recently received an email detailing some issues hovering over a friend's marriage. During the breakdown she shares that some of the things she's now sharing with me, she had already shared with a family member. Some of the stuff was bad and should not be divulged with anyone who may never be able to respect your spouse or look at them the same again.

Too often we taint our spouses image with what we share. The Bible says, we should ALWAYS seek out godly counsel when we're going through; that means taking the problem to Him and to others who are able to seperate your spouse from their actions enough so that they can give the best support, encouragement and correction.

A godly counselor will always line up their advice with the Word of God; it will not be opinionated, but imparted by the Holy Spirit, who knows all things.

So, who do you call or go to when you and your spouse has had a disagreement?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fidelity - A Hard Pill to Swallow - For Some

Hey Covenant Groupies,

This past extended weekend was fantastic. Kevin and I spent it with our family. It was so refreshing and absolutely necessary!!!!

I had something specific for dating singles to post today, but because of the state of media and the topic of much conversation, I'll save it for another day.

I'm so done!!!! I'm done with all of the talk about Tiger. Yes, Woods. There was nothing he could have said at today's press conference that would have mattered to me. But I guess, I'm not his core audience member. Or am I???? Yes, folks have missed him from the game of Golf and people are interested in knowing what his new sponsor deals will look like since he's in rehab. But me, I just don't care.

I truly am interested in his wife and children though. I don't need to see them, but I would love to know how Elin is fairing mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually in the wake of all of this unanticipated attention she's still enduring because of her husbands indiscretions. There's just no way she's not still hurting.

Someone just said to me today that Tiger was expected to unfaithful. Was he? In some folks eyes he was because he's a man and his career entitles him to be attractive to many. It didn't matter that many of his peers knew of his relationships outside of his marriage. They seemed only to care because he was caught and now had blemished the sqeaky clean game of golf. What he was doing just didn't matter, at least not then.

Quite honestly, Tiger and all of those "friends" who knew about all of his "lady friends" make me sick - someone knew. Nothing mattered to them except what they wanted, not their families, friends nor the sponsors that trusted in them.

I don't want it to sound like Tiger is the worst, but I am so sick of the infidelity; the lack of care for their families, not taking vows seriously, being secretive, lying, not taking their own or their spouse's health into consideration you name it.

No wonder the unfaithful husbands exposed in recent media months (Tiger woods, Mark Sanford,John Edwards, Jesse James) have all made it to the now infamous "Unattactive List" just released today. If the character of a man is in the choices he makes, than huuuuummmmm! Character is so lacking here.

How he lives with this is between him, his god and his wife. Together, I hope they make better choices and decide that their faith really will be a strong foundation in which they can stand on, live on and be married on.

There it is, I think I got it all off my chest.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Praying for Marriages: It WORKS!!!!!

Hey Covenant Groupies,

I've been under the weather since last Friday and have missed some opportunities to post. But - I'M BAAAACCCCKKKKK!

Several months ago I found this format for prayer for couples, marriages, Grandparents etc. Start filling in the blanks. If there are any marriages, couples, families or relationships that need prayer, maybe these can help. We' hope they do.

It's broken down into two topics. Topic #1 is below and Topic #2 will be posted tomorrow.

There is power in praying together and in praying for each other. Especially as we pray according to God's Word. As a couple, you can also use these Scripture-based prayers to pray for your own marriage and your own children. When praying for parents and their children, you can insert the names of the parents in the first blank and the names of their children in the second blank. If you are a grandparent you can use these prayers to pray for your children as well as for your grandchildren. Remember, God's power will be released as we pray.

Topic #1- Pray for Couples

Pray that couples will have an intimate relationship with the Lord.

1. Pray that couples will deeply love and experientially know the Lord.
"The man answered, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.'" Luke 10:27

"Lord, I pray that __________ will love You, the Lord their God with all their heart, all their soul, all their strength, and all their mind. Amen." Luke 10:27

"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ and become one with Him." Philippians 3:8,9a

"Lord, I pray that ___________ will consider everything else as worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing You, Christ Jesus our Lord. I pray that they will discard everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that they may have You Christ, and become one with You. Amen." Philippians 3:8,9a

2. Pray that couples will delight themselves in the Lord and in His Word.
"Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires." Psalm 37:4

"Lord I pray that __________ will take delight in You Lord, and that You will give them their heart's desires. Amen." Psalm 37:4

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night." Psalm 1:2

"Lord I pray that __________ will delight in your law and that they will meditate in Your law day and night. Amen." Psalm 1:2

3. Pray that couples will desire a deepening relationship with the Lord and turn from self and sin.

"O God, You are my God; I earnestly search for You; my whole body longs for You in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I follow close behind You; Your strong right hand holds me securely." Psalm 63:1,8

"O God, our God, I pray that ___________ will earnestly search for You; may their whole body long for You in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I ask that they will follow close behind You; for Your strong right hand holds them securely. Amen." Psalm 63:1,8

"Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others."
1 Peter 3:11

"Lord I pray that ____________ will always turn away from evil and do good. I ask that they will work hard at living in peace with each other and with others. Amen." 1 Peter 3:11