Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holy Sex - Sacred Amid the Profane

Hey Covenant Groupies,

After posting the blog yesterday, I realized that the relationship between sex and worship may have left a few of you unsure why the two went together and may not have been clear. So, I went back to “Sacred Sex” and got a better understanding for you. Here’s what Tim Alan Gardner shared, “If we acknowledge the extraordinarily high worth that God places on sexual intimacy and if we understand that sex is a holy experience that represents Christ and the church, then seeing it as a form of worship is not that big a leap – but ONLY if we understand worship.

The New Bible Dictionary states that worship, originally referred to the action of human beings in expressing homage to God because he is worthy of it. It covers such activities as adoration, thanksgiving, prayers of all kinds, the offering of sacrifices and the making of vows.” The New Bible Dictionary goes on to say that worship consists of two elements: our acknowledgement of what God does for His people and our response to what God has done as demonstrated by how we live our lives. In other words, our lives should continually reflect our thankfulness for His Grace. It goes on to define worship as a human response to the perceived presence of the divine; a presence which transcends normal human activity and is holy.”

When we read Genesis 28:16-19, the commentator in the Holman Bible Dictionary notes that “before the dream, the place had only been a stopping place reached by sunset Gen 28:11, but when he [Jacob] awoke it had become a holy place. The holy presence of God had penetrated into ordinary (profane) space in a way which had aroused acute awareness on the part of a human being. The sacred (holy) and profane are united in an experience of worship.”

Worship, then, can be as simple as affirming or confirming the presence of God. It is admitting that the Lord god is truly present in the activities of our lives. Worship is experiencing the holy God of the universe in the mundane activities of everyday life. It is worshiping the presence of the sacred amid the profane.

Whoo!!!!! That was a mouthful, but truly eye-opening for me. I hope it clears things up for some of you as it did for me when I first read it.

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